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Financed projects
Interregional centre for product management
Short description of the project
Creation of a network of partners in the field of engineering and electrical engineering
Interregional centre for product management
Registration No.
Total Project budget:
176 102.00 €
Total ERDF awarded:
142 202.00 €
Project start date:
Project end date:
Project status:
There are plenty of small and medium-sized enterprises and universities in the area of mechanical and technical engineering in the Győr-Moson-Sopron and the Trnava regions. However, they lack the knowledge of their counterparts’ expertise, which makes the development processes more expensive, inefficient and irrational. Despite the tremendous potential in these entities, the level of their cooperation remains low. Therefore, the goal of the project was to create a common cross border cooperation platform that brings together the actors in this area. The students and engineers joining this network have the chance to exchange know-how and experiences in their fields. Within the project a virtual cross-border company was created. The participants could work as a team, and go through a virtual project using this platform, from the planning and design of a virtual product until its manufacturing.
networkingsmall and medium enterprises
Lead Partner
Centrum pre transfer inovácií (CeTI)
Slovakia, Trnavský kraj, , Čajkovského 51, 917 08 Trnava, Slovakia
Project Partner 1
Sopron Megyei Jogú Városi Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara
Hungary, Győr-Moson-Sopron, Deák tér 14, 9400 Sopron, Hungary