Programme objectives, priorities and beneficiaries
The overall strategic goal of the programme has not changed from the previous programming period (Hungary-Slovakia-Ukraine Neighbourhood Programme 2004-2006), and it also explicitly responds to the Community Strategic Guidelines:
“Increased level of economic and social integration of the border area”
The overall strategic goal of the programme can be broken into more practical specific objectives:
Specific objective No. 1: Strengthened economic competitiveness of the border area
The objective is achieved when the border region is developed in a more integrated way through establishing the conditions for business-to-business co-operation, thus an efficient use and development of human resources is realised in the fields of RTD, education and the labour market.
Specific objective No. 2: Increased social and cultural coherence among people and communities
The objective is achieved when the border area is developed in a more integrated way, there is active co-operation between people and institutions in cultural and social fields, and the existing capacities are coordinated and more efficiently used.
Specific objective No. 3: Improved accessibility and communication of the border area
The objective is achieved when there is improved accessibility through the elimination of physical and administrative obstacles and bottlenecks, and the unlimited movement of persons, goods and information is ensured.
Specific objective No. 4: Natural values protected
The objective is achieved when joint regulations and actions from the relevant institutions of both countries are established in order to protect the natural values, to preserve the natural habitats and the flora and fauna of Community interest.
Identified priorities of the programme:
Priority 1 - Economy and society is aimed at actually promoting co-operation initiatives contributing to an integrated development of the economy and the society.
Priority 2 - Environment, nature protection and accessibility incorporates interventions aimed at improving the physical conditions of cross-border co-operation, primarily in the fields of transport and communication, as well as interventions to improve the natural environment.
Priority 3 - Technical assistance is a priority including actions supporting the programme implementation.
Objectives, priorities and their links

Eligible project applicants/partners of the HU-SK program are as follows:
• public authorities;
• public equivalent bodies:
any legal body governed by public or private law , meaning:
- established for the specific purpose of meeting needs in the general interest, not having an industrial or commercial character, and
- having legal personality, and
- - either financed, for the most part, by the State or regional or local authorities or other bodies governed by public law,
- or subject to management supervision by those bodies,
- or having an administrative, managerial or supervisory board, more than half of whose members are appointed by the State, regional or local authorities or by other bodies governed by public law,
• European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation.