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Financed projects
Demonstration and using of renewable energy resources through existing multifunctional public centres in the microregion of Klátovské rameno and Tét
Short description of the project
Installation and using photovoltaic systems in public buildings in municipalities in order to protect the nature and the environment, to ensure the energy self-sufficiency of municipalities, cost saving as well as the presentation of the project and monitoring its results through existing multifunctional public centres of the microregion
Demonstration and using of renewable energy resources through existing multifunctional public centres in the microregion of Klátovské rameno and Tét
Registration No.
Total Project budget:
596 179.00 €
Total ERDF awarded:
506 752.00 €
Project start date:
Project end date:
Project status:
Using renewable energy resources is one of the objectives of the policy of the Microregion of Klátovské Rameno and the Microregion of Tét. Therefore the project partners found a solution for increasing the use of renewable energy within this project. The main objective of the project was the joint protection of nature and the environment in the SK-HU border region. The project was a continuation of a joint project of the partners: SUN IS LIFE I. (HUSK/0901/2.1.1/0279) and resolved the installation and use of photovoltaic systems (including the online monitoring equipment) in public buildings of municipalities to protect the nature and the environment, to ensure the energy self-sufficiency of municipalities, and energy and cost savings. The project also included the presentation of results through existing multifunctional public centres of the microregion, on information forums and with different promotional materials.
educationenvironment protectionrenewable energy
Lead Partner
Obec Malé Dvorníky
Slovakia, Trnavský kraj, , Dunajskostredská 153/1, 929 01 Malé Dvorníky, Slovakia
Project Partner 1
Tényő Község Önkormányzata
Hungary, Győr-Moson-Sopron, Győri ut 59, 9111 Tényő, Hungary
Project Partner 2
Győrszemere Községi Önkormányzat (HU)
Hungary, Győr-Moson-Sopron, 9121 Győrszemere, Fő u. 20, Hungary