The Joint Technical Secretariat (JTS) organized the third Joint Monitoring Committee (JMC) meeting in Miskolc
One of the main topics of the meeting was the selection of the winning projects from the first Call for Proposal. According to the plans approximately €63 million will be divided among the applicants. The exact amount may only be known after signing the subsidy contracts with each and every beneficiary in May/June 2009.
Based on the decision of the JMC members - made mostly by consensus – finally 106 applications and 17 concept notes have been selected, and 4 projects are on the reserve list. The most popular intervention within the first priority was the Joint tourism development and the People to people actions. The JTS has received all together 122 project applications for these two interventions. The list of winning projects will be published as soon as the minutes of the JMC meeting is finalized (we expect this to happen within two weeks).
The Joint Monitoring Committee has also decided about opening three new interventions (I.1.2 Co-operation in the field of RTD and innovation, I.1.4 Joint development and the coordinated use of healthcare facilities, II.2.5 Improvement of cross border communication channels) for the next Call for Proposal due to be launched in the middle of May, 2009. The planned amount of the allocated ERDF support for the second call will be around €60 million. The eligible partners may apply for grant through the already known, open application system.