Hungary-Slovakia Cross-border Co-operation Programme 2007-2013

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The contracting procedure has started with the projects approved within the frames of the first CfP
04 June 2009

The National Development Agency, as the managing Authority of the programme officially notified the winner applicants about the approval of their projects and about the necessary steps to take in connection with the contracting.

These official notification letters also contain the conditions that need to be fulfilled in order to correct the deficiencies discovered during the quality evaluation. Unlike before the Lead Partners have longer time, 10 days to give feed back to JTS relating to the conditions. There are 2 months to obtain the necessary certifications and permissions.

The notification letters are in English. As it is usual in the European international programmes the official communication language is the common one acceptable for both parties. In most cases it is English if there is no other option that all participants can use equally. We can say that this is already a tradition as the implementation of the Phare CBC programme from the ‘90s was completed in English. It is true, though, that cross-border cooperation programmes (INTERREG IIIA) of the last programming period were using the national languages as much as it was possible. However, in the programming period 2007-2013 due to the Lead Partner principle a common language should be used so the projects to implement can be properly followed and checked. The official communication of the programme will remain English but the Joint Technical Secretariat is trying to ease the job of the project holders by providing the basic letter forms and sample documents in Hungarian and Slovak. The JTS will do the same with the notification letters by sending the HUN and SK sample letters. Also the translation of the sample Subsidy contract and Partnership Agreement will be available on our website under the Download section.

The JTS will work on a suggestion to solve the issue of language use, which will be presented to the Joint Monitoring Committee of the programme to decide in the next couple of days.