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Podporené projekty
Developing emergency health care in the „Hármas Duna-Vidék” Euroregion along the axis of Győr-Dunajská Streda
Developing emergency health care in the „Hármas Duna-Vidék” Euroregion along the axis of Győr-Dunajská Streda
Priority 1 - Economy and society
1.4.1 Joint development and coordinated use of health-care and risk prevention facilities
Registration No.
Total Project budget:
402 780,00 €
Total ERDF awarded:
342 363,00 €
Project start date:
01 január 2011
Project end date:
31 december 2011
Project status:
The project improves the accessibility of urgent healthcare services in the cross-border region in the area of Dunajská Streda (SK) and Győr (HU). Two ambulances equipped with incubators for new-born babies and the purchase of 2x2 ambulance cars increase the level of emergency care in the region. The education and training of doctors and medical experts operating in this area help the utilization of integrated cross-border emergency care. The cooperation in handling mass-catastrophes, the development of standards, the mutually acceptable documentation in the field of emergency care and the common training support the fast access to emergency care for the population of the affected areas.
health caresocial servicestraining
ERDF awarded/ Lead Partner
Petz Aladár Megyei Oktató Kórház
Hungary, Győr-Moson-Sopron, , 2-4 Vasvári Pál út, 9024 Győr, Hungary
ERDF awarded/ Project Partner 1
Nemocnica s poliklinikou Dunajská Streda, a. s.
Slovakia, Trnavský kraj, Veľkoblahovská 23, 929 01 Dunajská Streda, Slovakia